Abbotsford and Mission candidate questionnaire: 2024 BC Election

Candidates in Abbotsford West, Abbotsford South, and Abbotsford-Mission respond to our Valley Votes questionnaire on issues important to the Fraser Valley

This story first appeared in the Oct. 11 edition of the Fraser Valley Current newsletter. Subscribe for free to get Fraser Valley news in your email every weekday morning.

Who are Abbotsford and Mission’s provincial election candidates, and what would they prioritize if elected to BC’s legislature?

We asked every candidate running in Abbotsford and Mission’s three ridings about transit, agriculture policies, and the issues they personally consider to be the most important for their local community.

Below are the responses to our Valley Votes questionnaire. We also gave candidates a chance to share more about themselves and why they are running for office.

Of the eight candidates running in Abbotsford and Mission’s three ridings, four responded. You can find answers for candidates in each riding below.

You can find responses from candidates in other ridings here: Langley | Chilliwack and beyond

We asked candidates from all nine local ridings about five specific topics. You can find answers from all candidates to those questions here: Bridal Veil Resort or Cascade Skyline Gondola? | Sumas flood protections | Transit priorities | Removing land from ALR | Climate change and infrastructure

Make sure you also check out our election hubs. They include candidate biographies, riding descriptions, videos of all-candidates meetings, and links to news stories. Find them here: Langley | Abbotsford and Mission | Chilliwack and the Eastern Fraser Valley

Abbotsford West

In Abbotsford West, we received responses from one candidate: Graeme Hutchison (BC NDP) and Korky Neufeld (BC Conservatives. James Davison (Independent) did not respond. Neufeld’s answers were received after the deadline because they had been originally submitted to the Abbotsford News rather than The Current. However, as they were submitted to The News before our deadline, we are including them in our questionnaire.

Responses are organized in order of survey submission.

Meet the candidates

Graeme Hutchinson - BC NDP

Lives in riding: No (Abbotsford South)

Tell the public who you are: (100 words)

I have lived in Abbotsford for nearly 25 years. My sons went through the Abbotsford school system, graduating from UFV. Members of the community may know me through soccer, where I have been actively involved for 20 years as a soccer referee. As a young man I spent five years with a church-based organization performing community service, including a year in India. I began my career working as a teacher and a university professor before moving to the banking sector. I was most recently president of one of the largest unions in the province representing 14,000 members.

Why are you running for MLA in your community? (50 words)

The people of Abbotsford need someone who will show up for them and be their advocate at the government table. I have deep roots in the community through my work in youth sports, community service and unions and have built a desire to serve, listen and bring people together.

What is a piece of information about your local community that the public may not know about, and informs your views on policy or politics? (150 words)

As someone who has volunteered and worked in youth sports for the last 25 years, I understand the importance of sport for the development of the youth in our community, both physically and socially. Ensuring that our youth have the opportunity to play sports and be a part of a team is something I am very passionate about. Important elements to this are ensuring playing surface availability like hockey rinks or soccer fields.

I have seen first-hand the impact that sport can have on our youth, and as our community continues to grow, I look forward to advocating for more of these spaces.

Korky Neufeld - BC Conservatives

Lives in riding: Did not answer.

Tell the public who you are: (100 words)

Did not answer.

Why are you running for MLA in your community? (50 words)

I am running for MLA because Abbotsford deserves a representative who puts our community’s needs first. With years of experience serving on the school board, I have seen firsthand the importance of advocating for local families and ensuring that our children and schools receive the necessary resources. This experience has [EXCEEDED WORD COUNT]

Note: Candidates were told there were strict word count limits, and would be cut off at the word count if they went over.

What is a piece of information about your local community that the public may not know about, and informs your views on policy or politics? (150 words)

One thing many people may not know about Abbotsford is the significant role our agricultural sector plays in supporting not only the local economy but also the wider province.

The farming community here is deeply tied to family values and hard work.

Still, it faces unique challenges, such as rising costs, market access, and environmental concerns like water management. Understanding the needs of our farmers informs my strong stance on protecting agricultural land and ensuring they have the tools and support needed to thrive in a competitive market. This insight drives my commitment to policies focusing on sustainable agricultural practices, economic relief through tax cuts, and better access to new technologies.

Supporting Abbotsford’s farmers means strengthening BC’s food supply chain and preserving our agricultural heritage for generations.

The questions

What is something with local resonance that is not explicitly mentioned in your party's platform and for which you will advocate for your local constituents if elected? (150 words)

Graeme Hutchison, BC NDP: Abbotsford needs more seats at the table of government. As a member of a BC NDP government, I will work with the local community and city council to advocate for the needed infrastructure and investment prioritized by the City of Abbotsford in their Strategic Plan.

Korky Neufeld, BC Conservatives: While the Conservative platform covers many critical issues, one area of local importance is support for youth engagement and development in Abbotsford.

Our community’s young people are its future, and we need to invest in more opportunities for them to grow and thrive.

This means advocating for increased funding for youth programs, sports, and mentorship opportunities that teach leadership and personal development. With Abbotsford growing, we must create safe spaces and activities for young people, helping them stay engaged and away from negative influences like gangs and crime.

Empowering our youth with the resources they need can build a brighter future for Abbotsford focused on community, opportunity, and strong values.

What is something from another party or candidate's platform that you agree with? (50 words)

Graeme Hutchison, BC NDP: Both parties recognize the need to improve healthcare services by adding more doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to reduce wait times. The BC Conservatives want to do this through American style healthcare, while the BC NDP wants to address it by investing more in public healthcare for all.

Korky Neufeld, BC Conservatives: While I often disagree with the NDP’s approach, I agree with their focus on mental health and addiction services. Providing better access to mental health resources and addiction recovery centers is something I believe in deeply.

These services are crucial for addressing the opioid crisis and supporting our community members [EXCEEDED WORD COUNT]

Note: Candidates were told there were strict word count limits, and would be cut off at the word count if they went over.

Which of the following projects do you support?

Bridal Veil Mountain Resort

Cascade Skyline Gondola Project


Did not answer

Graeme Hutchison (BC NDP)

Korky Neufeld (BC Conservatives)

Note: Graeme Hutchison did not answer as he did not know enough about the projects.

Would your government provide funding for flood protections on Sumas Prairie?

Yes, whatever it takes

It depends on the cost


Did not answer

Graeme Hutchison (BC NDP)

Korky Neufeld (BC Conservatives)

What transit upgrades should the province prioritize?

SkyTrain to Abbotsford

More buses on Highway 1

Regional buses between Mission, Agassiz, and Hope

Rapid buses on Langley’s 200th Street

Increased West Coast Express service

None of the above

Did not answer

Graeme Hutchison (BC NDP)

Korky Neufeld (BC Conservatives)

Note: respondents were only allowed to select one option. Graeme Hutchison did not specify a specific project. Most Fraser Valley NDP candidates returned their forms (against direction) via email, writing extended answers rather than specifically choosing a priority.

Do you support the removal of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve for any of the following reasons?



Sports parks

Land should not be removed from the ALR

Did not answer

Graeme Hutchison (BC NDP)

Korky Neufeld (BC Conservatives)

Note: respondents were allowed to select more than one option.

Should climate change projections be used when setting building and infrastructure standards?



Did not answer

Graeme Hutchison (BC NDP)

Korky Neufeld (BC Conservatives)

Abbotsford South

In Abbotsford South, we received responses from two candidates: Amandeep Singh (Independent) and Sarah Kooner (BC NDP). Bruce Banman (BC Conservatives) did not respond.

Responses are organized in order of survey submission.

Meet the candidates

Amandeep Singh - Independent

Lives in riding: No (Abbotsford West)

Tell the public who you are: (100 words)

I Amandeep Singh, known as Aman, am a local from Abbotsford where I grew up and completed my education. My background is in sports and health, I am self-employed as a soccer and physical education coach for kids and youth, and also work as a kinesiologist, helping people recover from injuries. I place great importance in God, faith, family values, community, and aiding those in need. Over the past year, I have participated in various protests across British Columbia, spoken at events, and joined the parental rights protests initiated by residents of the Fraser Valley and Metro Vancouver.

Why are you running for MLA in your community? (50 words)

I am running independently for MLA because I would like to see change.  If I were under a party umbrella, I would be serving the party and their purpose, therefore I could not serve the people of Abbotsford South.  As an independent, I am serving the people because I am [EXCEEDED WORD COUNT]

Note: Candidates were told there were strict word count limits, and would be cut off at the word count if they went over.

What is a piece of information about your local community that the public may not know about, and informs your views on policy or politics? (150 words)

In Abbotsford, local farmers are still grappling with the aftermath of devastating floods from a few years ago, facing ongoing legal battles as they seek justice and support. The current agricultural policies fall short in providing the necessary assistance during such disasters, emphasizing the need for farmer input in policy reform. It's essential to develop policies that provide protection for farmers in the event of unforeseen circumstances like floods, crop damage, etc.

Additionally, there is a pressing need for affordable housing for seniors, low-income earners, and vulnerable individuals in our community. Land use should prioritize helping those in need rather than serving profit-driven interests that do not help the people in need. Addressing the housing crisis is essential for fostering a more equitable community, and significant changes are needed to ensure that everyone has access to safe and affordable housing.

Sarah Kooner - BC NDP

Lives in riding: Yes

Tell the public who you are: (100 words)

I am a lifelong resident of Abbotsford with a fresh perspective rooted in personal experience and cultural understanding. The skills I gained during my Master of Counselling Psychology Degree have been put into practice in my work supporting children and families. As a member of the Health Sciences Association’s board of directors, I am an active, compassionate advocate for healthcare. I have experience navigating multifaceted challenges involving diverse perspectives and am prepared to listen, understand, and work to find real and long-term solutions. I am focused on working in collaboration with our community members towards a sustainable and inclusive future.

Why are you running for MLA in your community? (50 words)

I have connections to the agricultural, healthcare, real estate, construction and development, labour and union, business, and educational sectors in our community and have a deep appreciation for the challenges faced. I am honoured to have been selected to represent the BC NDP to champion solutions to these challenges.

What is a piece of information about your local community that the public may not know about, and informs your views on policy or politics? (150 words)

Perhaps not all of the public knows that Abbotsford South has deep agricultural roots. It is important that we understand the significant role of the Sumas Prairie, which used to include Sumas Lake until it was drained in order to create fertile farmland. This is something that informs policy around the importance of sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. Protecting our farmland and supporting our local farmers are crucial steps for food security and for Abbotsford South’s local economy. In understanding the history of the Sumas Prairie and its impact on today’s agriculture, we also recognize the Sema:th People and their connection to the land, as well as the need for meaningful reconciliation and respect for Indigenous Rights. By learning from the Indigenous people of this land, working respectfully and in collaboration, we can ensure that it remains a vibrant and sustainable community for future generations.

The questions

What is something with local resonance that is not explicitly mentioned in your party's platform and for which you will advocate for your local constituents if elected? (150 words)

Amandeep Singh, Independent: As an independent MLA for Abbotsford South, I intend to shed light on several controversial bills and policies that significantly impact our local community. For instance, Bill 36 has far-reaching implications for various health practitioners across BC, while Bill 21 severely impacts lawyers and their profession. Additionally, the recent changes to ICBC have left many individuals unable to pursue legal action and struggling to obtain the care that was initially promised by the program. By bringing these issues to the forefront, I aim to ensure that the voices of local constituents are heard, advocating for policies that protect their rights and well-being. It’s crucial that we address these pressing matters to foster a healthier and more equitable community for everyone.

Sarah Kooner, BC NDP: The BC NDP will ensure that the healthcare we provide is culturally sensitive and accommodating to all demographics. Abbotsford is the 5th largest, and one of the most diverse cities in BC. This is celebrated in our communities, but myself and the BC NDP recognize that cultural considerations can be made when we look at how we plan to improve healthcare. Efficiency will remain a top priority, while we work to ensure that care is inclusive, respectful, and equitable. Provision of culturally sensitive care contributes to better health outcomes because it allows patients to feel understood and respected.

What is something from another party or candidate's platform that you agree with? (50 words)

Amandeep Singh, Independent: I align with independent candidate James Davison on key issues, such as ending the safe supply of drugs. I also agree to bolster the local agriculture sector and reform policies that will protect farmers experiencing hardships (damages, floods, etc), alongside enhancing secondary education which bridges to post secondary, and reduce [EXCEEDED WORD COUNT]

Note: Candidates were told there were strict word count limits, and would be cut off at the word count if they went over.

Sarah Kooner, BC NDP: There is no BC Green candidate in this riding, but I agree with the Green Party’s emphasis on renewable energy, especially solar projects. Investing in solar power, thereby reducing our carbon footprint and creating more and greener jobs in our community benefits Abbotsford both from an environmental and economic standpoint.

Which of the following projects do you support?

Bridal Veil Mountain Resort

Cascade Skyline Gondola Project


Did not answer

Sarah Kooner (BC NDP)

Note: We unintentionally made respondents able to select more than one option. However, the projects are mutually exclusive, and cannot both be developed. Amandeep Singh chose both. Sarah Kooner was the only BC NDP candidate to choose a project.

Would your government provide funding for flood protections on Sumas Prairie?

Yes, whatever it takes

It depends on the cost


Did not answer

Amandeep Singh (Independent)

Sarah Kooner (BC NDP)

What transit upgrades should the province prioritize?

SkyTrain to Abbotsford

More buses on Highway 1

Regional buses between Mission, Agassiz, and Hope

Rapid buses on Langley’s 200th Street

Amandeep Singh (Independent)

Sarah Kooner (BC NDP)

Increased West Coast Express service

None of the above

Did not answer

Note: respondents were only allowed to select one option.

Do you support the removal of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve for any of the following reasons?



Sports parks

Land should not be removed from the ALR

Did not answer

Amandeep Singh (Independent)

Sarah Kooner (BC NDP)

Note: respondents were allowed to select more than one option.

Should climate change projections be used when setting building and infrastructure standards?



Did not answer

Amandeep Singh (Independent)

Sarah Kooner (BC NDP)


In Abbotsford-Mission, we received responses from one candidate: Pam Alexis (BC NDP). Reann Gasper (BC Conservatives) did not respond.

Responses are organized in order of survey submission.

Meet the candidates

Pam Alexis - BC NDP

Lives in riding: Yes

Tell the public who you are: (100 words)

I am a former School Trustee, City Councillor, Mayor, MLA, and Minister, with almost 20 years of serving the community. I value serving people, and working in collaboration with community members. People are our strength and we do better when we work together.

Why are you running for MLA in your community? (50 words)

It has been an honour to serve the community in so many ways. The Fraser Valley had been neglected for years and we have been successful in dramatically increasing investment - but the work is not done.

What is a piece of information about your local community that the public may not know about, and informs your views on policy or politics? (150 words)

The number of commuters that leave our communities for work everyday is high. For Mission that number is a staggering 70%, while Abbotsford has 12% tackling a particularly long drive into a major city centre.

This impacts quality of life, health, child care, etc. These drive my focus on specific policies that will help ease the impacts and allow constituents to spend more time at home with their families.

The questions

What is something with local resonance that is not explicitly mentioned in your party's platform and for which you will advocate for your local constituents if elected? (150 words)

Pam Alexis, BC NDP: Mission Hospital has been facing the same challenges impacting our healthcare systems across the province and globally, like labour shortages and recovering from the pandemic.

However, these challenges are amplified in our corner of the Health Authority, with recruitment and retention of staff often feeling more similar to our rural counterparts. In terms of service levels, Mission Hospital in particular continues to feel the aftermath of the previous Rustad government cuts, where services were reduced and the hospital narrowly avoided closure.

MLA Bob D'Eith and I have been tireless advocates for Mission Hospital, and the recent opening of a new CT Scanner by David Eby is just the start of the on-going work to ensure services are available for those who need them, when they need them.

What is something from another party or candidate's platform that you agree with? (50 words)

Pam Alexis, BC NDP: We can all agree that farmers need our support.

Which of the following projects do you support?

Bridal Veil Mountain Resort

Cascade Skyline Gondola Project


Did not answer

Pam Alexis (BC NDP)

Note: Pam Alexis did not answer because he said he did not know enough about the two projects.

Would your government provide funding for flood protections on Sumas Prairie?

Yes, whatever it takes

It depends on the cost


Did not answer

Pam Alexis (BC NDP)

What transit upgrades should the province prioritize?

SkyTrain to Abbotsford

More buses on Highway 1

Regional buses between Mission, Agassiz, and Hope

Rapid buses on Langley’s 200th Street

Increased West Coast Express service

None of the above

Did not answer

Pam Alexis (BC NDP)

Note: respondents were only allowed to select one option. Pam Alexis chose more than one priority. Most Fraser Valley NDP candidates returned their forms (against direction) via email, writing extended answers rather than specifically choosing a priority.

Do you support the removal of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve for any of the following reasons?



Sports parks

Land should not be removed from the ALR

Did not answer

Pam Alexis (BC NDP)

Note: respondents were allowed to select more than one option.

Should climate change projections be used when setting building and infrastructure standards?



Did not answer

Pam Alexis (BC NDP)


Some Abbotsford residents live in the Langley-Abbotsford riding. You can find candidate responses for that riding here.


Some Mission residents live in the Fraser-Nicola riding. You can find candidate responses for that riding here.


or to participate.