Fraser Valley Current’s newsletter is the biggest and most engaged local newsletter in the region. We help locals stay connected to what’s happening in the community, and go deeper into why it’s happening.

📈 Reach: 30,000+ readers (over 10% of local adults) in our daily newsletter

✉️ Avg open rate: 41%

⚡️ Avg click rate: 15% overall

📣 Impressions: One issue generates 12,000+ impressions for each ad on average

📍 Location: Almost all our readers live, work, and/or play in the Fraser Valley

😇 Members: Over 1,000 readers support us financially

👥 Key Audience Stats:

  • Our readers are primarily 35-65 years old

  • 17% are decision makers in the companies they work at

  • Over 75% own their home

  • 40% have a household income over $75K

  • 91% vote in elections

We currently offer 3 types of ads:

Newsletter Title Partner

Top logo placement, be the first thing readers see when they open the newsletter.

125-word story within top half, with an image.

1 spot available per issue.

Newsletter Spotlight Partner

50-word story within bottom half, with an image.

1 spot available per issue.


Newsletter Classified Bulletin

30-word text ad.

5 spots available per issue.


Our network beyond the Fraser Valley

Fraser Valley Current is part of the Overstory Media Group community, which includes other publications across the Lower Mainland (and also around Canada), including:

Our partnerships team can customize any campaign to get you seen in Greater Vic and beyond! Get in touch with us today 🙂 

This page was last updated on June 20, 2024