Friday, Sept. 8, 2023 - How Chilliwack got its name

Fraser Valley Current

Friday, Sept. 8, 2023 | ☀️ High 23C

Good morning!

We are working on a story related to staff turnover at a local municipality. As part of our work, we have filed a freedom of information request seeking information on the number of severance payments and total amount of those payments since the last election.

We have been told that if we want to avoid a steep fee, we need to show why the release of the information we are seeking is in the public interest. I think the best judge of what’s in the interest of the public is the public. So we’d love to hear from you. If you tell us the release of the information isn’t in the public interest, we won’t seek to have the fees waived. If you tell us it is, we will seek a fee exemption. Let us know in the poll below.

Also, at the bottom of the newsletter in the members section, Insiders can read about how the pursuit of profits has led to surprising diversity among operators in a certain commercial sector: organized crime. Thanks to all our members for supporting our journalism (and paying for things like FOI application fees!) If you want to chip in (and receive our weekend edition with behind-the-scenes insight), you can become an Insider here.

Tyler Olsen

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How Chilliwack got its name

Shovel-nose canoes were used around the Pacific Northwest and frequently propelled by poles. The use of such canoes is highlighted by the name of ‘Chilliwack.’ This 1921 photo is of a Duwamish family travelling by canoe near Seattle. | National Museum of the American Indian N07289

One of the most common accounts of how Chilliwack got its name may be missing a key element.

Chilliwack is often said to come from a Halq’eméylem place name—“Ts’elxwéyeqw”—describing the area’s position along the Chilliwack River’s canoe route.

But a 25-year-old interview with a revered Stó:lō elder suggests those accounts—including that of the City of Chilliwack—may fail to fully capture a key part of the definition that also helps illustrate how people navigated the area’s waterways before settlement.

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Need to know

💔 A Mission mom says systemic failures led her 16-year-old son to die from drug poisoning [Mission Record]

⚖️ A 25-year-old was sentenced in court for a 2022 incident where he pulled a gun on man who purchased items from Facebook Marketplace and questioned their authenticity [Abbotsford News]

👮🏻‍♂️ Crime in Mission spiked by 12% since the winter, RCMP reported to council [Mission Record]

✏️ A Surrey councillor wants schools and daycares to be built into new developments along the Langley-Surrey SkyTrain route [Surrey Now Leader]

🚒 Chilliwack firefighters were called to a fire at a supportive housing facility [Chilliwack Progress]

🥾 Abbotsford’s flood-damaged Stoney Creek Trail is expected to be repaired this month [Abbotsford News]

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The Agenda

UFV approved a fall reading break.| UFV/Flickr

Fall reading break scheduled for UFV

University of the Fraser Valley students will enjoy a fall reading break this year for the first time.

Student union president Ashley McDougall started advocating for a fall break in October 2021 as a way of supporting student mental health.

“UFV has a break in the winter semester, which allows for a helpful time to de-stress and catch up on school work, and we were hearing the need from students for a similar break in the fall semester as well.”

The Current first wrote about Ashley’s call last December. Earlier this year, UFV administrators decided her idea had merit and approved the fall break. It is scheduled for Nov. 11 to 15.

New transition housing coming to Mission

New transition housing in Mission for women and children fleeing domestic violence could be ready to welcome new residents by the end of 2025.

For years, SARA For Women has been working to redevelop its 75-year-old 12-unit facility in central Mission. The organization provides housing and support to vulnerable women and children, but has had to turn away hundreds because of a lack of space.

This spring, the province bought the site for $2.6 million and is now planning a building with as many as 60 units on the site, Mission staff wrote in a report to council this week. SARA will operate the new facility with provincial funding, according to staff. The facility has a targeted occupancy of “end-of-year 2025,” according to the report.

Mission’s 2020 housing needs report revealed that the city needed 100 units of transition housing within the year. None have been created yet, staff say.


Visit Whatcom County for farm tours, delicious local food, and more!

On September 16th from 10am-4pm, twelve farms in Whatcom County will open their (barn) doors for visitors to get a behind-the-scenes look at how food gets from the farm to their plate at the Whatcom County Farm Tour. This family-friendly, free event brings folks from all over the region!

Things to do

👕 Clothing event: Clothes2U will offer free clothes from baby to adult sizes, toys, diapers, and some household items on Saturday, Sept. 9 at St. Dunstan’s church in Aldergrove. Entry fee is $4/person, kids under 10 free. More online.

🎶 Live music: Gift Shop, a Tragically Hip cover band, is playing at Corky’s Irish Pub in Chilliwack on Saturday Sept. 9 and at Mission Springs Brewing on Thursday, Sept. 21. Tickets online.

🍔 Barbecue: Chilliwack Citizens for Change is hosting a social justice barbecue at the Métis House in Sardis on Friday, Sept. 15. Enjoy live music, a bison burger (vegan options available), a 50-50 draw, and silent auction. Tickets online.

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