Fraser Valley transit mediator’s final report expected this week

Veteran mediator Vince Ready was tasked by the province to help resolve the transit strike

Bus service in the Fraser Valley has been suspended for more than 120 days. | FVTransitStrike/Twitter

The special mediator tasked to resolve the Fraser Valley transit strike has met with both sides and is expected to submit his final recommendations to the province this week.

BC Transit’s Rob Ringma delivered that news to Mission council at its Tuesday meeting. On that same day, the ministry of labour told The Current there was no timeline for when the report was expected.

If in fact Ready’s report is filed this week, it will be nearly three weeks after he was appointed to the job. Ringma told Mission’s council on Tuesday he was optimistic that his pending report will bring a “positive outcome.”

But Ringma also recognized the damage from the strike. He apologized for its effect on riders and said that when it ends “our whole organization recognizes that we need to work to win the trust and respect back from our customers.”

On June 8, special mediator Vince Ready was appointed by the province to help resolve the labour dispute between Fraser Valley transit workers and BC Transit contractor First Transit. Ready was given 10 days to help bring both sides together.

On June 20, he asked the ministry of labour for more time. His request was approved by Labour Minister Harry Bains—this time without a deadline.

Once Ready submits his recommendations to the minister, both sides will also be given an opportunity to review the report. When Ready stepped in to settle a similar transit strike last year, his recommendations included proposed terms for a deal. His report and recommendations he delivers this week will determine the next steps in a strike that has suspended bus service in the Fraser Valley for more than 120 days.

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- Tyler, Joti, and Grace.

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