Dinosaurs, flowers, and farmer's markets: What's going on in May?

Check out a few of the top events in the Fraser Valley this month

Find some animatronic dinosaurs, May Day dancing, and farmers markets this month. 📷️ Para827/Getty Images; AY Images/Getty Images; CBarnes Photography/Getty Images.

May is for Mother’s Day and dinosaurs.

At least, that’s what the month holds in store for the Fraser Valley this year. May is the heart of spring in the valley, and full of events, markets and festivals. It’s crowned with the May long weekend—and one of Fort Langley’s oldest spring parties.

This month, we’re talking about two of the valley’s biggest events (one old and one pretty new) and sharing a few options for celebrating Mother’s Day in your community.

There are also those dinosaurs.

Mother’s day

Farmers markets are always a go-to place to find a good Mother’s Day gift. Every market in the valley is brimming with fresh flowers, artisanal soaps, tea and candles—especially in anticipation of the holiday.

But the markets are also full of less standard gift options. Craft beer? A t-shirt with a rhinestone Elvis on it? A bag of dehydrated seafood paella? A jar of pickled jalapenos? All have popped up in farmers markets in the valley before. Find one near you this month with these two maps, one for Metro Vancouver (including Langley) and one for the Fraser Valley.

There are also plenty of events planned to celebrate mothers throughout the valley. Check out one of the teas, brunches, and dinners going on in your community on the weekend of May 14, 2023.

May long weekend

May long weekend has long been celebrated less for the holiday that technically gives it its status (Victoria Day) and more for its role as the kickoff to early summer. School isn’t out yet, and temperatures aren’t quite up to summer’s standards. But the sun is (often) shining, and the smell of cut grass, magnolias, and hot dogs is waiting in the air.

Fort Langley has been celebrating the weekend with a parade and festival for 101 years this May. The town’s May Day Parade will happen on Monday, May 22 this year. It starts with a $6 pancake breakfast at the Lions Club at 8am. Roads will shut down in the village at 10:45 and the parade will begin at 11am.

The train of floats will start at the National Historic Site on Mavis Avenue and loop through town on Glover Road and Trattle Street. The festival will happen afterward in Fort Langley Park with food trucks, May day pole dancing, entertainment and kids activities.

Meanwhile, if you play one of the Fraser Valley’s most popular sports, the Chilliwack PickleBall Club is hosting its Mayday Mayhem tournament. As long as you're at least 12 years old, you can probably play.

The dinosaurs

Ever wanted to dig for fossils, train a raptor, or ride a dinosaur?

A massive touring dinosaur exhibition is hitting the Abbotsford Tradex from May 19 to 22. Jurassic Quest features life-size animatronic dinosaurs and promises adventure and the chance to live your Jurassic Park dreams. While there are plenty of educational and entertaining activities listed for the exhibition, the big ones (literally) are the giant dinosaurs: a 60-foot-long Spinosaurus, an 80-foot-long Apatosaurus, and a lifesize T-rex.

The exhibition is also in Vancouver from May 12 to 14.

Chipmunk Caves

The valley also has a load of outdoor adventures (sans dinosaurs) that are popping back up as they open with sunnier, warmer weather.

Chilliwack’s Chipmunk Caves are on that list. It’s a short hike to the caves, and the trailhead is about 40 minutes from downtown Chilliwack. Hike up from Chilliwack Lake road to the Chilliwack River for about a kilometer to find a series of caves ready for exploring. Reviews on hiking websites tell future adventurers to bring a headlamp or flashlight to properly spelunk through the craggy, dripping tunnels. While there are steeper sections inside some of the sections, one reviewer said, older kids will be just fine—and probably pretty excited. But, as always, be careful and plan ahead.


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