A hire after a fire

In April, the Alexander Square condo development at the corner of 208 Street and 80 Avenue burst into flames. Although there were no casualties or injuries, more than 500 people had to be evacuated from neighbouring buildings, and more than 4,000 Hydro customers were left without power.

The Alexander Square development was under construction at the time, and evidence suggests that either an abandoned cigarette, a heat source close to combustible material, or a failure to clean the area were potential causes of the fire. The Township of Langley Fire Chief recently recommended Langley hire another fire prevention officer to ensure all building and fire codes are followed during construction, and develop a “hot work” educational awareness program for people in the construction industry. At a meeting earlier this month, council noted the Township’s budget was tight for the coming year, but ultimately approved the recommendations, pre-approving the inclusion of a new fire prevention officer in next year’s budget.


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