FVC Perspectives: June

Your stories of romantic love in the valley, and some advice on where to find love too

This story first appeared in the June 21 edition of the Fraser Valley Current newsletter. Subscribe for free to get Fraser Valley news in your email every weekday morning.

The Fraser Valley is a perfect place for love to bloom.

This month, we asked you to share your stories of romantic love in the Fraser Valley. You responded with stories of missed (and found) connections, corner store romances, and coffee shop anniversaries.

A few readers also sent in their advice for finding connections in this digital age. (Hint: join a hiking group or amateur theatre.)

FVC Perspectives: Love

We asked: “Where did you meet your significant other?”

In-person (in a public place, at an event, or in a group): 45.5%

Online (dating app, website, or otherwise): 27.3%

In-person (through friends or family): 18.2%

Other: 9.1%

Helen wrote: “We met over 40 years ago at the Woodshed Theatre (long closed now) behind the old CFRA radio station on Allard Street in Abbotsford.”

We then asked you to share your stories of love in the Fraser Valley. Here were some of the responses.

Thomas Lloyd: “I first met Donna in Winnipeg in approx. 1971, my first love. In 1973 my parents moved to the Surrey and thus we were separated . I went back in a few months but I was only 16 so I only lasted about 6 months before I had to come back to BC and finish school, after that we lost touch although we both looked for each other (over the years) in phone books and then online to no avail.

“I married and divorced after 21 years , she eventually divorced as well. I looked for her in 1998 but I was unable to find her. I met my second wife and married in May 2000, residing in San Francisco Bay Area. I finally found Donna in 2004 on a site called Classmates. We chatted but were both in relationships. We were each of us pleased to know the other had survived life so far, but after initial contact, in respect for our partners, we just kind of monitored each other over the years.

“My wife passed in 2018 , and a couple of months later Donna reached out to offer condolences and to see how I was fairing. We talked a lot, and I was a mess both physically and mentally. Donna reminded me of who I was. In May of 2019, I felt the need to return back to Canada for a six-month sabbatical And asked if she wanted to fly down and drive up with me, and we can see if our memories matched who we now are.

“Long story shorter, we connected very well, I stayed in Canada and we lived in Nanaimo for a time and then moved to Abbotsford at the start of the pandemic. In the end I don't think we were meant to be together when we were younger, the universe meant us to be together now. We have always had a place reserved in our heart and thoughts for each other, and since neither of us had any children we had nobody trying to second guess us or interfere. We were married Jan. 21, 2021.”

Helen Affleck and Brad (Williams) Keurvorst: “Brad worked at CFVR and was playing Snoopy and I played Lucy in You're A Good Man Charlie Brown when we fell in love. Local amateur theatre was a passion and we enjoyed doing shows together at Langley Players, the Woodshed in Abbotsford and at Chilliwack's Gallery and Galley Theatre. We celebrated 40 years married last September. Community theatre has changed over the years but it's still a romantic place for a date and to find that someone special who shares a passion for creativity.”

Carl Ford: “I was working as a 7-11 clerk in the store where the Multi Pack Foods & Deli is now. She would often come in after her shift working at the Pizza Hut. One afternoon on my way into work I ran into her in the parking lot and asked her out. Of course she said no. A bit later while I was working behind the counter she came in and told me she was off at 11pm. :-) That was about 43 years ago.”

Helen Eng: “I met my husband at Rocco‘s diner in 1997 one very wintry night in February over hot chocolate. Our friends set us up and the rest is history . We were high school sweethearts from different towns. We have been married since 2003.”

Chandy: ”My significant other and I met on Tinder in the summer of 2020, and there was a fair amount of serendipity involved! I never replied to his initial message because of university final exams, and when my time cleared up I decided to reply back (only to him!) when I normally wouldn't have. When we connected he would've been on vacation in Mexico if it weren't for COVID, so he ended up having a bunch of time off work to go on dates.

“We had our first kiss at Bosumarne Falls which we've revisited every anniversary since (4 years and counting!). We spent the rest of the summer getting into hiking together as total beginners. The fave we kept coming back to is the Lindeman Lake -> Greendrop -> Flora loop. SO much to see and do there! Nothing brings a couple together quite like sweating, stinking, and conquering a trail together. Highly recommend getting together with local walking/hiking groups and seeing if sparks fly (especially if you're a man; they're especially popular with women).”

Dana: “I met my boyfriend in bible college, we knew of each other for about 4 years before we started getting to know each other intentionally after I moved back to the lower mainland.”

Claire: “My Dad & Step Mom met in person for the first time at Wendell’s Café in Fort Langley after connecting through a dating app. They recently went back there on their 14th anniversary and upon hearing their story the staff was so delighted they brought them free cake to celebrate. Truly a special place! :)”

This story first appeared in the June 21 edition of the Fraser Valley Current newsletter. Subscribe for free to get Fraser Valley news in your email every weekday morning.


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